It occurs to me this first day of the New Year that I am well, abundant and free.
Fortunate, blessed are we.
There are no worries today.
The best is now and yet to come.

It occurs to me that to have the ability to smell the roses, to see the sky, to hear the birds sing, to hug the ones you love and taste the elixir of life is pure joy, being totally alive.
We know in our hearts to be free of strife.
This too we know, let go of your woes, negativity will never serve us well.
We might not have it all, still we must strive to pick ourselves up when we fall.
The best is now and yet to come.

It occurs to me to be here now.
Not to wait, nor hesitate.
Life is in this moment, nowhere else.
Believe, focus and achieve.
This is a truth that does not deceive
The best is now and yet to come.

It occurs to me that you are the most beautiful thing created, that is so of of others.
That it must be so of me.
See the courage, kindness and compassion in you.
See the courage, kindness and compassion in me.
That is so of others, that it must be so of me.
We are marvelous souls indeed.
Live your life today without desire and greed.
The best is now and yet to come.

Be here now.
Don’t delay.
The journey started when we were born; we learn along the way, yet, living for only this moment.
Only this day.
The journey has just begun.
Follow the path that is yours, there is a trail, allow life to show you the way.
It will you know, if you simply let go.
The best is now and yet to come.

It occurs to me that are smiles, lives and loves, are all gifts.
Embrace the abundance that is, throw away your concerns, have faith.
Magnificence is all around.
Every day there are miracles to be found.
The best is now and yet to come.

Yes life can be a struggle, a challenge, and a chase.
Sometimes we garner, sometimes we waste.
But it is what it is, no less, no more.
If you let life happen with positive believes and acts.
Ecstasy and joy will be with you forever more.

The best is now and yet to come.