Thought for the week

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do then by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover.
Mark Twain

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Outdoor Yoga Classes at The Old West End Arboretum

Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun.   — Kahlil Gibran

The young Summer has brought Toledo a bright sun and warm breezes so I am  getting out of the studio and into nature!  I will be leading outdoor yoga classes at The Old West End Arboretum starting June 5th at the corner of Delaware and Glenwood on Mondays  from 5:30pm to 7PM.
Come join us for this wonderful world of yoga in this great park!

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Teaching Yoga at the White House

Hello, I wanted to share this great article by Peter Sterios on the  Enjoy!

Get Up and Go: Getting the call from the White House.

I got the call. Many get the call—the call to move, the call to go, the call to take action and change something in our lives. I’ve gotten the call numerous times, but this was different.

I literally got the call. Having spent the previous five days teaching a yoga retreat, deep in the woods, beyond the reach of cell towers, my coming out was greeted with a brief voicemail:

“Can you make time in your schedule to teach yoga at the White House?”

In disbelief, I hit the replay key and listened again—same message, and no recognition of any tone to suggest a wayward April Fool’s prank from one of my slightly twisted friends who think they’re funny.

This was the real deal. And in a schedule that is chronically overbooked, I frantically searched for my day planner buried in my bag, hoping that date was free.

Amazingly it was—the only weekend free for months. It was meant to be.
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Favorite Words of Wisdom

“What lies behind us and what lies in front of us pales in significance when compared to what lies within us.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” – Confucius

“The only moment in which joy and peace can ours is now”  – Eckhart Tolle

“Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.  Begin it now.”  – Goethe

“Be content with what you have.  rejoice in the way things are.  When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” Tao Te Ching

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